Bluzelle’s Update As It Gets Closer To The Mainnet
Bluzelle, recently announced, that it had gone past the 1,500,000 in block height, which made them state that the new test network is available for public testing. This was made possible with the intense effort and hard work of the team. This test phase is the rehearsal for network hard fork to the production mainnet.
Bluzelle stated that it chose the best mainnet upgrade strategy, which can easily be done by validators, thereby taking out the issues that come with withdrawing and redepositing the tokens for the delegators. While all these are happening, the staking record will remain accurate as the transition occurs.
It’s not news that the Bluzelle team has continuously played a crucial role in the Tendermint/COSMOS ecosystem. The team thinks that offering contributions to the system will ensure that bugs are identified, and issues tackled, thereby ensuring that the Bluzelle network is safe.
Bluzelle noticed some bugs in July during a campaign it held then, and fixed them. It also noticed some other bugs that it will fix, and some are:
1. Consensus failure after the hard fork
2. Failure to fork a network with a small number of validators
3. Incorrect behavior in query txs when the limit is set over 100
4. Unicode appeared in the response to transaction queries
5. Incorrect help text in Cosmos SDK l
6. Bugs that caused Bluzelle Bridge to stop working in some cases.
You can read more on the aforementioned on the Bluzelle blog.
Bluzelle also incorporated innovative features that are designed to ensure that security, user experience and usability increase in the ecosystem. They include:
1. More support for network hard fork
2. Added support for SSL on all sentries
3. Added support for SSL on BigDipper and Census. This means every aspect of the Bluzelle network and interface will be HTTPS encrypted.
4. Update in jailing criteria. This include allowing a larger number of missed blocks which can give validators more breathing room before getting jailed
5. New advanced gas algorithm that makes it economically possible to have “permanent” leases for data storage. It also implements a fair pricing for DB storage that is commensurate with existing cloud databases
6. Added tax module for network fee. It will act as one of the numerous revenue streams that will be available for the ecosystem for a long time.
7. Topnotch client support for the BluzelleDB, which permits users to search for keys by using prefixes, and filtering key-value pairs by data owner.
8. Support for transaction batching. It will permit a myriad of requests to be sent in a single atomic transaction. Doing this ensures that the Bluzelle’s TPS (transactions per second) increases by many orders of magnitude. It is needed if one is to compete successfully with incumbent non-blockchain competitor networks.
9. New BluzelleStudio, the visual data explorer for developers. It will be available for the public to use soon.
10. Churned out extra security measures for the Bluzelle Bridge, thereby ensuring that it is stronger to failures that may occur in the networks it interacts with.
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